Thursday, November 01, 2007

I have apparently managed to go for an entire year without writing anything in this blog

...and I feel that this is a cause for hearty self-congratulation, so I have slapped myself on the back.
Blogging is one of those activities that you can feel guilty about doing - because you should be out in the sunshine - or feel guilty about not doing - because you aren't keeping up with your blog.
Whereas reading other people's blogs - as I have done rather too avidly for the past year or so - is definitely a guilty pleasure. Leaving snide comments is the guilty pleasure non plus ultra of blogging, but I'd better not incriminate myself, in case a any one is reading.

So perhaps it is indeed time to start that blog, even with its rather ridiculuous title. Mentioneing Budapest in the title could be dangerous - I am certainly no expert on the city. I have lived here a year and managed to go out very little, stay in quite a lot, and have had the most minimal of contacts with the "ex-pat community." This was partly by design, but now I think I can be bothered to do so. How self-important that sounds, but you know what I mean.

I have managed to get married in the past year, which should certainly have been writing about in a blog. It wasn't in Budapest though, but in the lovely little village of Torockó szentgyörgy.
Bizarrely, you can read about it in Szabadság, the Hungarian language daily newspaper from Cluj. The wedding was on Saturday 18th, and the new reached Kolozsvár a few days later, a report appearing on Thursday of the following week.
So apparently I didn't have to write a blog after all, as conventional journalism was on hand to record the more momentous events.

On November 1st in Hungary I assume everything is closed. All the shops that is. I evidently assumed the same thing last year. I am going out. Maybe I'll see something interesting things to write about.